Good Morning Insecurity” (A Day Like Today – Part 1)

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“Good morning,” I say as I slide from my bed. Stretching and yawning I walk to the bathroom. The lights flip on and the mirror lights up. Horrified I see what awaits me. An old enemy disguised as an old friend.

“Good morning,” Reflection hisses, unable to control the tiny mists of poison that spray from her lips. She has the perfect disguise. I ignore her and begin to brush my hair.

“Oh wow…” Reflection laughs. “You really think brushing your hair will help?” I continue to ignore her, even though my chest is tightening. I begin to wash my face.

“Mhmm… Wash away the parts you don’t like. Good plan.” Reflection crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. She looks the same as me but I know what lurks within. I continue my morning routine in silence. Applying makeup, brushing my teeth, curling my hair. All met by vicious comments from Reflection.

“You’re too round in the stomach.”

“Why are your eyes like that?”

“Eww your face has so many blemishes!”

“Why do you even try?”

“You don’t look like the other girls!” I knit my eyebrows together dismissing her remarks until finally I can stand them no longer.

“Give it a rest already!” I yell at the top of my lungs. I sling down the hairbrush in my hand and stand trembling looking at Reflection. Her lips curl into an evil smile and I watch as she morphs from my old friend, Reflection, into her true form. Her eyes transform into cold white stones, and her lips spew the poison that constantly brews within her. Her skin is pale and translucent from centuries of her evil, heartless work. Angrily, I see she has won. I gave in to her ploy and allowed her to beat me.

Reflection was really just a disguise for my old enemy, Insecurity. She waves her bony fingers at me and cackles.

“Have fun today!” she rasps.  She tosses me a bag that fills like it’s filled with rocks. The outside reads, “Insecurity Curse.” And then she vanishes. But she has ruined my morning. She’s ruined the day. Now that bag of rocks is with me all day, weighing me down, reminding me of her words and my failure. And as I feel tears spring to my eyes I look up to see Reflection, my true Reflection, is back. And in her I see a girl who isn’t ugly and isn’t beautiful, with her eyes downcast, who today has lost her battle with a liar. Maybe tomorrow morning will be different…


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As I wander in after a long day, I begin to undress for the night.

I take off my hat that says “confidence,”

and I take off my belt that says “pride.”

I take off the mask that say “funny and happy,”

and I take off the dress that says “always smile.”

I take off the scarf that says “got it all together,”

and I take off the shoes that say “you’ll never walk a mile.”

And as I wander, I wonder if I’d feel a little better in this weather,

if my clothes weren’t quite so heavy all the time.


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Have you ever thought about how beautiful the word “us” is? It’s a beautiful word. Two letters, smaller than “you”, bigger than “I”… A word that represents you and I, together. “Us” is a word that binds us to each other. It’s a word that is stronger than “I” by itself. “You” have to give up something so the other one can grow. But together, the word is unbreakable. “Us” can represent so many bonds. My best friend and I, she makes me stronger than I am alone and I love her dearly. Friends. My sister and I, we have a bond so deep that it is a mix of friend and family. Sisters. I’m not married yet but one day, my husband and I will be an “us.” This bond makes us one flesh, completely part of each other. Spouses. “Us” will never stand alone. As long as it’s “us” and not “I,” “you” have someone, stronger than yourself when you’re weak, and who can love you when you’re unlovable. You and I meet in the middle and give something up to gain something in the end. You can bring me farther than I can go alone. Like Jesus Christ does for us.

Jesus, I am brought to God by You, something I can’t do alone. You bring us before our Father. You are strong when I am weak. You love me when I am unlovable. You lowered yourself to my level. You came to me. You forged a bond between US.

And that’s…. A Thought to Think
